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Villanueva English


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     ◈ The peaceful and picturesque atmosphere that permeates this Magic Town is a valuable reason to stop and walk through its streets calmly. This destination is home to a great historical, cultural, and architectural richness. Its natural landscapes, exhaciendas, and archeological zone are attractions that enrich any visit. Likewise, its religious customs and gastronomic offerings are proof of the identity of its people.


Villanueva was founded on February 4, 1692 with the name of Villagutierre del Águila, in honor of the president of the Real Audiencia de Guadalajara, Alonso de Ceballos Villagutierre, and the mayor of Juchipila, Pedro Salazar y Águila. In 1721 it was changed to Villa de San Judas Tadeo de Villagutierre del Aguila, in honor of the town’s patron saint San Judas Tadeo. It was not until years later that it was called solely Villanueva.


Tour the historic center, admire its gardens and architecture.

Taste the famous raspanieves, tortas, menudo, birria, tamalitos, pulque bread, and the typical huicholas, regional bread prepared with wheat flour, sugar and honey.

Visit its exhaciendas.

Explore ¨La Quemada¨ (Chicomóztoc) and visit the site museum located right there; the site was constructed between 400 and 900 AD, although it is known that it was inhabited until around 1200 AD. It is an interesting archaeological site considered one of the most important in Mesoamerica, both for its large size and its strategic geographical location.



In the month of October the Villanueva Regional Fair is held in honor of St. Jude Thaddeus; you will find a vast program of activities such as the election of the fair queen, sporting events, band presentations, liturgical events, horse parades, skeet shooting, the traditional tapas route, typical food, and town theater, all in a festive and joyful atmosphere.

Ex Hacienda of Tayahua

It is the oldest exhacienda in Villanueva. It was founded in 1554 and belonged to Diego Hernández Proaño, its first owner. Today, the property belongs to the Aguilar family. It was the set of several Mexican movies, mostly directed and sponsored by Antonio Aguilar, better known as “el charro de México”, famous actor, producer, singer, and charro, born in Villanueva, Zacatecas.

Ex Hacienda of la Quemada

It was an important agricultural and livestock center, famous for the breeding of fighting bulls and English and Arabian horses. Today you can visit the hacienda and its chapel, dating from the seventeenth century.

La Quemada
Archaeological Zone

It is named after Chicomóztoc, the mythical place of origin of the Aztecs or Mexicas, Tepanecas, Acolhuas, and other Nahuatl-speaking communities. For its architecture, the archaeological zone and the museum of site La Quemada represent the most relevant monumental settlement of the center-north of the country. It is conformed by a great hall of columns with its plaza, a ball game court and a pyramidal base called pyramid Votiva, in addition to its historical, archaeological, architectural, and cultural attractiveness, it is the site of astronomical experiences, ethnic-religious and spiritual ceremonies, and festivals during the solstices.

Other attractions

El Salto Ex Hacienda

The Temple of St. Jude Thaddeus

El Salitre Water Park

Touring the Ex Hacienda
of La Encarnación

Thanks to its excellent state of conservation and unparalleled natural beauty, it receives national and international visitors. It is also a tourist center that has a hotel with lodging capacity for 60 people. It also has different spaces for all kinds of events, conferences and retreats. As if that were not enough, it offers different services such as temazcal and horseback riding.

Ecotourism and nature contemplation

In Villanueva you will find hills, waterfalls, streams, rivers, dams and large groves of trees that offer spectacular experiences in contact with nature, as it is the Magical Town with the largest number of dams in the state.

Visiting the Temple of
St. Jude Thaddeus

Its construction began in 1752, under the auspices of the Franciscans. This building of quarry stone and sober baroque style took 23 years to be completed, making Villanueva the oldest place in America where the faith of this saint is preached.

Other activities:

Explore the Ex Hacienda Malpaso

Stroll through the arcades 

Eat at the municipal market


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